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Invest an hour and learn how to refocus and reboot your career.

Don’t Become The Walking Dead: Reboot Your Career In Six Months or Less–A Free Webinar

The Five Career Strategies Every Career Professional Must Use Today to Continue to Grow, Transition or Refocus

Thursday, June 2nd, 10:00 a.m. PST

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Who Should Attend?

Those in career transition or are feeling stuck in their career progression.

Answer this question to decide if this seminar is a good fit for you: “How much am I losing each month by not taking significant action in growing my career or finding a job that makes better use of my talents?”

Those who will find this webinar highly useful will resonate with the truth that they are losing hundreds or more every month as they put off taking focused career or entrepreneurial action

Bonus Offers

All attendees will receive a free copy of the “5 Strategies Every Job Seeker Should Use” and the “The Top Five Strategies To Become A Master Influencer” after the seminar.


The Seminar is Free but Limited to 25 People to Allow Time and Opportunity for Questions.


Click Here to Register



Fire Your Excuses Spring 2016

The winter is ending.  What is on your list to change this new, beautiful season of renewal and growth?  It’s time!

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Answering the questions about permanent personal and career change you are asking the most.

my 2016 goals list on clipboard and coffee against grunge wood desk

As we know, January and the New Year are now well underway. It is time to ensure that this year is different from the last. This will mean firing some of our well-protected excuses.

Celebrate Thursday, January 14th, the Fourth Annual National Fire Your Excuses Day, by Taking Action!

Are you in? Then,  here’s your challenge:

Six Actions To Make 2016 Different From Any Other (And Why Most People
Will Not Take Them.)

Celebrate National Fire Your Excuses Day
by committing to one or more of the following actions this beginning this Thursday.

1. Plan…write out your 2016 goals. If you do this alone, your chances of success are 17% according to the classic Dominican University study on goal setting. It is an essential first step but it is not enough. Most people become discouraged by their repeated goal setting failures {due to not having a support team} and, eventually, stop writing down their yearly goals. But this is a mistake- just 4% of those who keep their goals in their head but don’t commit them to them by writing them down will accomplish them by year’s end.-University of Scranton study. Writing down your goals quadruples your chances of success! Joining a support team quadruples your success again!

2. Connect…join one group this year that will help you succeed. The Dominican University study reported that those who share their written goals consistently with an accountability group or partner raise their chances of accomplishing their goals to 74%. Not taking this additional action is why nearly all of even those who have written goals fail to achieve them.

3. Commit…to a One-Hour Weekly Personal Business Meeting. Over the past five years, in polling our seminar audiences, we have noted that less than 5% of all professionals have any type of weekly personal business meeting where they review not only work projects but personal goals and weekly tasks. Those who do are all extremely efficient in their use of time and successful personally as well as at work. By the way, nearly all millionaire business leaders we polled practice the discipline of a weekly personal business meeting. Hmmm.

4. Move…We are all busy but if there is time for streaming, video and T.V., there is time for exercise. Regain your desired health and fitness levels in 2016 by sticking to this “hard and fast” rule–no after-work media watching before exercise. Your goal: Twenty 30-minute workouts each month. Join us!

5. Learn…what skill is separating you from your dream? Forgive us. We do not wish to brag but to make a strong point: Why do we enjoy the opportunity consult and speak for more in a day than we used to make in a week? It’s not that we are smarter than everyone else, it is that we are intense, life-long learners. You can be too! Bottom line: We outread and outlearn our peers. Here’s your challenge: Read or listen to a book every two weeks and join a group that requires a high commitment to excellence and growth.

6. Serve…Be deliberate about reaching out to your family, friends and network every work day. Think about taking small but consistent actions in this area. A little effort will result in a tremendous impact by the end of the year. Example: By reaching out to just one person each work day, you will touch the lives of 200 people in 2016.


As a special gift to celebrate National Fire Your Excuses Day, we are offering our book, Fire Your Excuses for the lowest price anywhere, $14.99,
including shipping and handling through our website only until the end of January.

To Order Click here

Want to turbo-charge your progress in 2016?

1. Join the thousands who have taken the free Fire Your Excuses Self-Assessment and see how your excuse profile compares to others across the nation and the world. You will receive a free 20-page personalized report.

2. Pick up a hard copy or ebook version of Fire Your Excuses for yourself or a friend. “Your blueprint for permanent change for the cost of a movie!” Remember the book is on sale for just $14.99, including shipping until the end of January only at our website.

3. Invest in a coaching session or program to help you stay on track throughout 2016. To Learn More Click Here

Your initial coaching session comes with a 100% money back guarantee so there is nothing to lose.

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Here’s how it works!

1. Purchase and attend your initial coaching session.
2. Complete your goal-setting follow-up assignment.
3. If you don’t feel your initial session was worth the price of your investment, show us your completed assignment and you will receive a full refund. No questions asked!

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Christmas background







Portrait of suspicious elegant businessman looking in camera

Click the image and links below to check out the “1 Simple Thing Podcast” and to listen to Dr. Bill’s Fire Your Excuses episodes  by topic.

The Fire Your Excuses Podcast Series

Episode 206: Don’t Try Harder, Get More Connected

Episode 207: Do What You CAN Do

Episode 208: Walk the Last Mile of Denial

Episode 209: Experience the Helper’s High

Episode 210: Fire Your Excuses

Success darts

Who do you think of when you think of someone who has been successful in their goals?  Most imagine a person who is highly disciplined, smart. creative and tireless. We also tend to think of someone attractive in some way, and engaging.  These are the images our minds tend to go to and, to some degree, they ring true. Yet, there are millions of nice, intelligent and winsome individuals who are not “successful” by their own definition, let alone by the sometimes cruel definitions of others.  Deep down, they feel they are capable of much more, or that they have “plateaued” in their goal achievement long ago.  Could this be you as well?

In fact, most of us can point to several areas of our lives that seem to be holding us back, struggles we have vowed to overcome for years, even decades without any sustained success.  This is frustrating and costly on many levels. The question is why? Before we address the answer, let’s take a brief look at the latest research surrounding who succeeds and who doesn’t, by the numbers.

Top 5 goals for 2015

Research released by the University of Scranton (January, 2015) indicated the following goals were the most common for 2015:


Lose Weight


Getting Organized


Spend Less, Save More


Enjoy Life to the Fullest


Staying Fit and Healthy


What is the key to successful goal-setting?

Dr. Gail Matthews of Dominican University randomly assigned study participants into five groups:

•    Group 1 was asked to simply think about the business-related goals they hoped to achieve and to rate each goal by several measures including perceived difficulty and past experience with similar goals.

•    Groups 2-5 were asked to write their goals and then rate them in same way as Group 1.

•    Group 3 was also asked to write action commitments for each goal.

•    Group 4 had to both write goals and action commitments and also share these commitments with a friend.

•    Group 5 did all of the above plus sent a weekly progress report to a friend.

How did they do?

Group 1 Accomplished 43% of their goals.

Group 4 accomplished 64% of goals,

Group 5 were the most successful, accomplishing 76% of their goals.



What can we immediately apply from the above findings to double our chances of success in 2015?

Is there a good reason to believe you will achieve your 2015 goals in the nine months remaining?  The answer is clearly, “it depends.”

  • Writing down your goals will help, sharing your goals with a friend will help you even more. But, partnering to be accountable with someone on an ongoing basis will give you 33% more likelihood of success.
  • If you haven’t written down your goals formally, we can guess from the above data, that you have a far less than 43% chance of success. One study put this figure as low as 4%.
  • If you have an accountability partner to review your goals with you frequently throughout the year, your chances swell to 75%.
  • Those of us who are older may need even more accountability to counteract the mood dip we may experience in mid-life and the far lower rates of goal success (around 14%.)


Key Fire Your Excuses principles to help you set better goals

Let’s return to our opening discussion–who are those who do the best at achieving their goals?  What we know now is those who are connected and accountable to others enjoy the best odds of success.

For this reason, we continually urge our audiences and coaching clients, “Don’t try harder in 2015, get more connected.”  If you have had the same goal for 10 years, say to lose that 10-15 pounds, sorry to say, there is a near zero chance you will achieve it this year based on willpower alone.  The same goes for finally finding that dream job.  You will need to reach out to others who are living the life you seek or who are actively holding themselves accountable to others weekly to consistently perform at a higher level. What we have noted over the years is that willpower will sustain you for three months, six months if you are extraordinary, but rarely longer.  Studies show that within two years, nearly all who rely on willpower alone will have returned to their baseline weight or lifestyle.

We also challenge our readers and audience members to “Walk the last mile of denial!”  It is so easy to go 90% of the way on your own but, due to your blind spots or well-worn excuses, leave that last 10% wide open. Result– self-sabotage, failure and discouragement.

Lest we be too hard on ourselves, our lifestyle “set points” can become very entrenched and often protect us to a degree. Powerful emotions, often unconscious to us, are at play, not just our resolve.  Each of us have skills and practice disciplined behaviors we routinely perform that others struggle to accomplish or avoid all together. And, we have some areas that others do not struggle with but have been our challenge for as long as we can remember.

Give yourself a hearty “high five” for your strengths and disciplines, but be completely honest about those areas that have little chance of changing without finding support.  Everything changes when you admit, despite knowledge, degrees, position, income or talents, there are several big areas that you just can’t yet “muscle through.”

Stop trying to be a will power achiever–reach out for help.  Buckminster Fuller said it best:  “Environment is stronger than will power.” Bottom line: It is far more effective to change your social support circle than to muster up more will power.

Now that you know the facts, the rest is up to you. Will you “double-down” trying harder or will you reach out and change your environment this year?  If we can help you in any way achieve your goals in 2015, let us know.

Dr. Bill & Dr. Marcus


beautiful winter mountain sunset in Romania

To attend today’s free one hour webinar,

just click on the link below or paste it into your browser.

winter running